Portraits of mountains, waterfalls, happenings and people - offered in English and Slovene. 

Meeting Mountains want to tell stories that doesn’t otherwise get told. We dare to turn the stones that have been untouched for a long time. Curious foreigners may get an insight into local customs, hidden gems and special characters of the Soča Valley.

The author of the blog is local journalist Katja Humar - born and raised in the valley. She is passionate about painting articles with her colourful words, expressions and images and we are very grateful to have her on board.

Read more about Katja or read her work below!

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Cuisine, Culinary, Culture, Mountains, Nature, Hiking, Photography Johannes Bergfors Cuisine, Culinary, Culture, Mountains, Nature, Hiking, Photography Johannes Bergfors

7 Best Soča Valley Restaurants (According To A Veggie Chef)

There are actually a lot of disappointing restaurant experiences to be had in the Soča Valley. With a background in gastronomy and nutrition, our founder Johannes will lead you to better choices. Follow this guide to his favourite restaurants and your taste buds as well as your heart will thank you.

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Cuisine, Culinary, Culture, Mountains, Nature, Hiking, Photography Johannes Bergfors Cuisine, Culinary, Culture, Mountains, Nature, Hiking, Photography Johannes Bergfors

Soča Valley's Most Beautiful Waterfalls

There’s something primal about watching waterfalls, much like watching a fire rage or a puppy play. My instinct is attracted by the organic movement of water that our race for hundreds of thousands of years have been able to witness and take lesson from. It’s powerful, relentless and stoic but can be harnessed for our good. It’s symbolic. Photos by Johannes Bergfors

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Cuisine, Culinary, Culture, Mountains, Nature, Hiking, Photography Johannes Bergfors Cuisine, Culinary, Culture, Mountains, Nature, Hiking, Photography Johannes Bergfors

Spending a night in a location like this will either cost you 1000€ or 0€.

Sprinkled over the Julian Alps are bivouacs - shelters that protect mountaineers and curious visitors from the elements. Sometimes it’s literally just a few mattresses in a room, sometimes there’s a stove and sometimes there’s even food waiting for you.

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Cuisine, Culinary, Culture Katja Humar Cuisine, Culinary, Culture Katja Humar

Thread by thread - Slovenia’s first and finest saffron

Autumn. The Soča Valley dazzles in yellow, red, and gold shades. Mist covers the morning down by the Tolminka river. It's early, and everyone is asleep. Well, almost everyone. Ivan Mangani and Anja Bukudur are leaning over their field of gold - hand-picking tiny purple flowers. Flower after flower, thread by thread, they patiently created an inspiring story about Slovenia’s first saffron cultivation.

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Kultura, Kulinarika Katja Humar Kultura, Kulinarika Katja Humar

Cvet za cvetom, nitka za nitko do pravega slovenskega žafrana

Jesen. Dolina Soče je prepleskana z rumenimi, rdečimi in zlatimi odtenki. Meglica zakriva jutro ob reki Tolminki. Zgodaj je, vsi še spijo. No, skoraj vsi. Ivan Mangani in Anja Bukudur se sklanjata nad svojim zlatim poljem in potrpežljivo nabirata drobne vijolične cvetove. Cvet za cvetom, nit za nitjo potrpežljivo ustvarjata navdihujočo zgodbo o prvem pravem slovenskem žafranu.

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How Meeting Mountains Planned 11 Days in Slovenia for a Dutch Couple

In this blog post you can read a day-by-day report of what active, cultural, natural and culinary experiences we selected for a Dutch couple who asked us to plan their 11 day trip.

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Zgodovina, Kultura, Arhitektura Katja Humar Zgodovina, Kultura, Arhitektura Katja Humar

Je kaj trden most?

Mostovi. Ljudske mojstrovine, ki omogočijo prečkanje navadno težko prehodnih območij. Teh v skrajno razgibani dolini Soče ne manjka. Tukaj vse živi In se giblje - Dežela žive vode. Dinamična pokrajina je s skalnatimi vrhovi, kanjoni, rekami in grebeni razpršila kraje in ljudi. Puntarji, kotarji, hribovci, graparji… trmasti prebivalci, ki z duhovito pikrostjo vsak v svojem jeziku zagovarjajo “štorijo” iz svojega brega. Premostitev je bila nujna poteza. Čez Sočo, Nadižo, Koritnico, Tolminko, čez kanjone in čez jezera so se skozi leta in stoletja spletli mostovi, ki so povezali različne svetove in utrdili pot nepredvidljivi prihodnosti. Leseni, železni, kamniti, vsak s svojo zgodbo o preteklosti, kulturi, razdiranju in povezovanju. Spodaj smo izbrskali par mostov s prav posebnim karakterjem.

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History, Architecture, Culture Katja Humar History, Architecture, Culture Katja Humar

Bridging over the Soča valley

Many people visit the Soča Valley because of its pristine nature, gastronomy, and all the outdoor activities it has to offer. But this time, we will talk about bridges that were built across the valley, and at the end, you might soon discover that bridges are a story in themselves. They allow you to see the valley from various perspectives.

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History Katja Humar History Katja Humar

Reflections of a 'lake'

Most na Soči is a cute little town located on a rocky crest above the confluence of the Soča and Idrijca river. At the heart of it lies an emerald lake, which is one of the town’s focal points. But many visitors don't realize that the ‘lake’, as it appears today, is a modern touch to the natural landscape. So what secrets lie below the tranquil poetic on the surface?

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Zgodovina Katja Humar Zgodovina Katja Humar

Most na Soči — Kaj se skriva v jezeru?

Most na Soči. V osrčju leži smaragdno jezero, dva bregova pa povezuje star, zaobljen most. Mir in mehkoba. Postanek reke Soče, mediteranska siesta na poti proti morju. Na površju se dogaja življenje. Kajak, kanu, veseli ribiči in manj vesele ribe, ladja Lucija, plovne race in oprezni fotografi – privlačna sila vode v akciji. A mnogi obiskovalci se ne zavedajo, da je jezero sodoben dodatek naravni krajini. Kaj se torej skriva pod živahno poetiko na gladini?

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Sport, Outdoors Katja Humar Sport, Outdoors Katja Humar

7 ways to get wet in the Soča Valley

River adventures are a fun way to explore and gain a fresh perspective of the stunning valley. Whether you’re in for an adrenaline kick or you prefer a chill day on the lake, Soča Valley has it all. To make your decision easier here's a list of seven fun ways to get yourself wet in the Soča Valley.

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Šport, Aktivne počitnice Katja Humar Šport, Aktivne počitnice Katja Humar

Smaragdnih sedem

River adventures are a fun way to explore and gain a fresh perspective of the stunning valley. Whether you’re in for an adrenaline kick or you prefer a chill day on the lake, Soča Valley has it all. To make your decision easier here's a list of seven fun ways to get yourself wet in the Soča Valley.

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Nature, Bees Katja Humar Nature, Bees Katja Humar

The buzzing sounds of Slovenia

The colours, the smell, the gentle warmth. It is peaceful and cosy on the flower meadows and for a second it seems like heaven. But if you listen very closely the lively bird song is joined by the buzzing rhythm of the insect world. Spring has arrived in Slovenia and Carniola bees are in full swing performing their bee dance.

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Narava, Čebele Katja Humar Narava, Čebele Katja Humar


Barva, vonj, nežna toplina. Na cvetočih travnikih je mirno in prijetno, za trenutek se zdi kot v nebesih. Živahni ptičji pesmi se pridruži brenčeči ritem sveta žuželk. Eksperimentalni jazz. V Slovenijo je prišla pomlad in kranjske čebele so v polnem razmahu.

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